Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Delivered by Doctors | Manchester

What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a sophisticated, evidence-based psychotherapeutic approach. It is predicated on the premise that our cognitive processes—such as beliefs, thoughts, and attitudes—significantly influence emotional regulation and behavioural responses. Through our work together, we aim to identify and alter dysfunctional cognitive patterns, behaviours, and emotional responses, thereby breaking the cycles that contribute to psychological distress.

What Does Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Include?

Cognitive Restructuring: At the heart of our work in CBT is cognitive restructuring. During our sessions, we will identify and challenge any dysfunctional thought patterns or cognitive distortions that you may be experiencing. We will often then explore deeper, examining potential underlying beliefs that may be contributing to this ongoing distress. By recognising these dysfunctional thoughts and beliefs, we will explore ways to develop a more balanced, realistic cognitive framework that fosters a much greater sense of emotional well-being. 

Behavioural Activation: Another important component to this process is behavioural activation. Behavioural interventions in CBT are based on the understanding that behaviour is both a consequence and a determinant of emotional states. In our sessions, we will explore how behaviour can both sustain and alleviate psychological distress. You will be encouraged to engage in activities that help break cycles of avoidance or inactivity, which often aggravate negative emotional states. This activation not only has a positive effect on mood but also provides opportunities for cognitive restructuring through experiential learning. The behavioural interventions will be carefully paced and tailored to your unique interests, with a particular focus on activities you find meaningful but have been avoiding, or have wanted to pursue but never started. These interventions will be incrementally introduced to ensure a sustainable and personalised progression.

Skills Development: Throughout our sessions, we will focus on equipping you with a comprehensive set of skills that you can use to manage and reduce symptoms both during and after therapy. These skills include, but are not limited to, cognitive techniques such as thought-stopping and cognitive reframing, as well as behavioural strategies like graded exposure, relaxation exercises, and mindfulness practices. The practical nature of these skills ensures that you will have the tools necessary to cope with stressors effectively and independently.

Short-Term and Goal-Oriented: Our approach to CBT is structured and goal-oriented. At the beginning of our sessions, we will collaboratively set specific, measurable goals tailored to your needs. This ensures that our work together remains focused and that progress is clear and assessable. A typical course of CBT ranges from 6 to 20 sessions, depending on your individual circumstances. The skills you develop during our time together are designed to support your continued emotional well-being long after our sessions have concluded.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the process, please visit our contact page and reach out via your preferred method.